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Read the scenario and answer the questions that follow.

Imagine that you developed a money- and time-saving strategy for your company.  You shared your idea with a co-worker, Kyle, who then told your supervisor. While Kyle didn’t say, “This is my idea,” Kyle also didn’t mention your name.  The supervisor, therefore credited Kyle, not you, when mentioning the idea to the CEO and recommended Kyle, not you, for promotion. 

  • How would you feel in this situation?  What would be your remedy?
  • Are Kyle’s actions unethical?  Are they theft? Why or why not?
  • How is Kyle’s conversation with the supervisor similar and/or different than using a source in a composition without citing it? 
  • How is Kyle’s conversation with the supervisor similar and/or different than using a quote without quotation marks?  Or a paraphrase that is very similar to the original source’s wording?