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First, choose a paragraph with source material from your classmate’s draft, and complete the following steps:
  1. Highlight the paragraph’s main idea in yellow. 
  2. Highlight all source material (even if it’s not cited) in green.
  3. Highlight all application and analysis of that source material in pink.


Review the highlighted sections and answer the following questions:
  • How can the writer make the main idea clearer? 
  • How can the writer create more effective balance between their own voice/ideas and the source’s?
  • How can the writer more clearly explain the relevance of the source material and/or apply the source material to the main idea.

For each item above, identify specific issues, explain these issues and how they affect your impressions of the writing, and offer specific suggestions for improvement and/or a sample revision.


Then, review the original passages for the source material quoted or paraphrased in the paragraph.  Compare this original material with your classmate’s representation of that material, and answer the following questions:
  • If the material is quoted, is it quoted correctly?  Is the quote punctuated correctly? Is it cited correctly? How could the writer integrate the source material more effectively?
  • If the material is paraphrased, is it paraphrased effectively? Is it cited correctly? How could the writer integrate the source material more effectively?

For each item above, identify specific issues, explain these issues and how they affect your impressions of the writing, and offer specific suggestions for improvement and/or a sample revision.


Finally, imagine that you are the author of this source material; how would reading this paragraph affect you?  Would you feel as if your intellectual property has been respected? Why or why not?