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Your instructor will provide you with a sample blog post.  Review this sample and consider the following questions:
  • How is language used to fit the audience?
  • How does the structure of the blog help the reader understand the main concepts?
  • What are the elements that are specific to this genre?
  • What do you notice about how the page is laid out?  Pay attention to fonts, line spacing, colors, sizes, contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, and balance.
  • Does the page include visuals? What type?
  • Do the design choices promote or distract from readability?
  • What does the structure of this genre suggest about how it is meant to be read (i.e. is it read straight through beginning to end, skimmed, sampled section by section)?
  • Is the author’s use of specialized language appropriate for the audience?
  • How would you describe the style of the writing?  
    • Does the author use jargon?  
    • Is the language concise or wordy?  
    • Is the language formal or more casual? 
    • How much does the author assume their audience knows about the topic?


For an editable Google doc of this exercise that you can download, click here.